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Winchester News aims to raise $50K by year-end

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Dec. 9, 2023

Thanks to dozens of generous donors, Winchester News’ first year-end appeal is going well.

Since the beginning of November when the appeal began, 102 people have stepped up to donate. Two generously gave $5,000. The startup news outlet has already maxed out the $13,000 available through NewsMatch, and earned some bonuses based on attracting new donors and local matches.

“We’ve got great momentum,” said Emily Costello, the fundraising lead for Winchester News. 

“With our national matches maxed out, we need local businesses to step up now,” Costello said. “We have already earned a total of $9,000 in local matches – including $1,000 from our own hard-working board members. I’m excited because if we can earn $20,000 in local matches, we’ll be eligible for an additional $1,000 from our national partner.”

A match means that every dollar donated is doubled—so a $100 donation becomes $200. Donations to Winchester News are tax deductible, meaning readers have an extra incentive to give before the end of the year.

“Our goal for 2023 is $50,000,” Costello said. “We still have more than $15,000 to go, but I know we can make it.”

Joyce Westner has served as Winchester News’ interim editor since the Spring.

“The wonderful thing is that we’re already making plans to put these funds to good use,” Westner said. “Visitors to will see additional content and a better user experience within months—or even weeks.”

For more information about how to make a tax-deductible donation, click here.  

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How well do you know Winchester?

How well do you know Winchester?

Last time we had one winner. Anne Hoenicke guessed it’s on the Town Common. See last week’s to refresh your memory. Photographer Mike Arwe says, “It’s a weather-proof cover for an electrical connection. I assume for the tree lights on the common.” He even includes a link