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Special to the News from Winchester Hospital Jan 4, 2023

Winchester Hospital is celebrating the birth of one of the first babies born in the New Year. Meet Graziella Lee Romano, born at 3:13 am on January 1, weighing in at 6 pounds 10 ounces, 19.5” tall.  Mom and Dad, Ariana and Jeff, are the proud parents.

Back story: Ariana was diagnosed with cancer at age 30 and after many rounds of chemo could not have children. Graziella was born via surrogate – Ariana’s cousin!


How well do you know Winchester?

How well do you know Winchester?

Last time we had one winner. Anne Hoenicke guessed it’s on the Town Common. See last week’s to refresh your memory. Photographer Mike Arwe says, “It’s a weather-proof cover for an electrical connection. I assume for the tree lights on the common.” He even includes a link