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Winchester to hold family literacy listening sessions

Winchester wants to hear from you about literacy, with several listening sessions being held in May. FILE PHOTO

Table of Contents

What is the purpose of family listening sessions?

The purpose of family listening sessions is to hear from Winchester parents and caregivers about their experiences with elementary literacy in the district. While families will have the opportunity to fill out a survey on this topic, these listening sessions will allow the research team at CES to hear stories and understand the nuances in families’ experiences. This will allow researchers to contextualize, confirm, and/or add complexity to our findings from the survey.

Who is the listening session for?

These listening sessions are only open to parents, guardians or primary caregivers of students currently in the Winchester elementary school, or those who are in elementary or middle school and formerly attended a public elementary school in Winchester.

What will happen during the listening sessions?

Listening sessions are designed to allow parents and caregivers to share their experiences and hear about the experiences of others. Participants can expect to spend most of their time in small groups engaging in semi-structured conversation about elementary literacy in Winchester.

Who will conduct the listening sessions?

These sessions will be conducted by experienced facilitators from CES (Collaborative for Educational Services) and by members of the CES research team.

How will what you share be used?

It is not possible to guarantee complete confidentiality in listening sessions because of the group setting. However, CES’s final report will take utmost care to ensure that, to the extent possible, participant identities are protected. Findings will report on themes generated from the listening sessions in ways that protect individual identities.

Session dates and times

Family listening sessions will be facilitated in-person at Winchester and online on Zoom on the following dates:

Date: Monday, May 20

Time: 6:30 - 8 p.m.

Location: Vinson-Owen Library



Date: Tuesday, May 21

Time: 3:30 - 5 p.m.

Location: Muraco Library




Date: Tuesday, May 28

Time: 3:30 - 5 p.m.

Location: Zoom



Date: Tuesday, May 28

Time: 6:30 – 8 p.m.

Location: Zoom



Date: Thursday, May 30

Time: 10:30 - 12 p.m.

Location: Zoom



If you require any accommodations (eg. sign language interpretation, language interpretation) in order to fully participate in the listening sessions, indicate your needs in the registration form or contact Rebecca Mazur (

If you encounter any barriers or need additional support to register for the listening sessions, contact Rebecca Mazur (


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