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It’s September and the gardens around Winchester continue to deliver. We asked you to send us photos of whatever is growing in your garden and you sent us quite a few.

Clockwise from top left: Charlene Band's iris, Rachna Jha's cock's comb, Jha's cosmos, Rajagopal Sriperumbudur's verbena bonariensis, August Westner's pole beans, Sriperumbudur's astilbe and nasturtium.

Clockwise from top left: August Westner's witch hazel, Charlene Band's containers, Judy Murray's purple pole beans, Regina Campbell's front yard and James Pidacks's kale.
If you missed out, you can still send us a photo. Send ONE photo as an attachment to and put “Garden Photo” in the subject line. Tell us what it is, for those of us who don’t know their peas from their petunias!