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Winchester Augmented Reality Team to hold first meeting Nov. 10

An augmented Hoverlay view at the Winchester Unitarian Society. COURTESY PHOTO/MILAN KOVACEV

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The following was submitted by the Winchester Augmented Reality Team:

The first meeting of the Winchester Augmented Reality Team (WART) will be held on Sunday afternoon, Nov. 10th, from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. in the Large Meeting Room of the Winchester Public Library, 80 Washington St.

This informal gathering will be a chance for people to meet others who are interested in Augmented Reality, how to experience and enjoy it, and how to use available tools to create AR scenarios. You don’t need to know anything about AR, just bring a desire to learn.

All are invited and there is no charge to join the party.

Demonstrations of various ways to “augment” reality will be made, since seeing it and experiencing AR in person is richer and worth more than wordy descriptions. They will include: Images, Green Screen (Video), Video, 3D Objects, Portals, Buttons, Audio, and Custom Text, individually or in combination.

The demos will use an app called Hoverlay, which will need to be installed on your device, so please have your AppStore or GooglePlayStore account and password.

A current mobile device or tablet will work better than older ones because a lot of processing will be done on the phone. WART will use the Library’s WiFi which is very good. If you can’t wait, some information is available on the WART website.

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