Table of Contents
On Saturday, Jan. 25, the Winchester Fast Forest will hold its January planning and dinner (NOTE: not potluck, restaurant) at 8:15 p.m. to closing at Arancini, 37 Main St., Woburn.
Now that the Fast Forest is planted, what next? What do you — we — wanna do?
Who do you want to connect with? Do you want to work indoors or out; to plant, talk, write, make graphics, develop virtual reality? What’s your dream? What’s your passion?
We can teach others (school groups, daycares, scouts, adults, other towns) about forest ecosystems, the Fast Forest, native plantings.
We can remove invasives and plant natives in town municipal areas. Design native gardens, make seed libraries, plant winter gardens, make educational signs.
We can partner with other groups such as Mystic Charles Pollinator Pathways MCPP, Friends of Winter Pond FWP, Winchester Conservation Commission. And SO much more.
Please RSVP to