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Shukong Ou - Precinct 2

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In 2022 I worked on the Communication Study Committee that was formed through passage of Article 31 of the 2021 Fall Town Meeting to explore how Town Government can improve communications with residents. Among the recommendations is to form a "Town Meeting Members Association" to share information on topics of local importance: tax overrides, zoning changes, and planning for the future; for example, North Main Street is being studied for improvement - if you want to have your say join the conversation!

I helped launch the Winchester Town Meeting Members Association which has a discussion board of topics of interest to the community and provides Town Meeting members with information about the warrants coming up for their vote. If re-elected to represent you in Precinct 2 I will strive to continue the work of improving communication between town and residents.

I've lived in Winchester since 1985, and have seen a lot of improvements. If elected to Town Meeting I will support greater transparency in how our tax dollars are spent, and accountability of everyone on the town's payroll. 

As an advisor to the Winchester News I support local news. The importance of a presence of independent hyper-local news to democracy and transparency of government and institutions.

Best way to contact me? Email: .


Jenks hosts Coffee Hour with Town Manager Beth Rudolph

Jenks hosts Coffee Hour with Town Manager Beth Rudolph

The following was submitted by the Jenks Center: On Thursday, Feb. 27, the Jenks Center will host a Coffee Hour with Town Manager Beth Rudolph, from 9-10:30 a.m. at the center, 109 Skillings Road. Please join us for a continental breakfast and an informal discussion, where the town
