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Alison Swallow | Staff Writer

Look Out for Jumping Worms

Look Out for Jumping Worms

Sept. 27 - There’s a new invasive pest for Winchester gardeners to worry about.  Asian jumping worms, aka Alabama Jumpers, Jersey wrigglers, and crazy snake worms, may soon be “jumping” into a yard near you.  These worms, like other earthworms in our area, are not native to the United

Where to give away or donate stuff

Where to give away or donate stuff

Need to clean out your house or free up some space, and you’re not sure where to donate stuff? There are a few options right here in town.  The Facebook group “Everything is Free Winchester, MA” provides a great platform for people to give away all manner of items

ConComm Supports SGAR Regulation

ConComm Supports SGAR Regulation

By Alison Swallow July 13, 2023.  At the most recent meeting of the Conservation Commission on Tuesday July 11th, Behavioral Ecologist Dr. Prassede Calabi addressed the commission on behalf of a group of Winchester residents seeking to discourage the use of Second Generation Anticoagulant Rodenticides (SGARs).  Calabi asked if the