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Grow Local monthly potluck to be held March 16

On Saturday, March 16, beginning at 5:30 p.m., join WIN Fast Forest for a potluck dinner and conversation at 55 Woodside Road. COURTESY PHOTO

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The following was submitted by Prassede Calabi on behalf of the Fast Forest committee:

On Saturday, March 16, beginning at 5:30 p.m., join WIN Fast Forest for a potluck dinner and conversation at 55 Woodside Road.

Dinner will be sushi. There will be a $20 per person contribution.

Anyone wishing to bring any additional food should feel free.


Winchester High School puts on annual Financial Literacy Fair

Winchester High School puts on annual Financial Literacy Fair

Juniors  at Winchester High School last week traded their normal class routines for a taste of real-world financial challenges as they participated in the school’s annual Financial Literacy Fair. “We want to make students understand how the real world functions,” explained Dr. Scott Spencer, the history and economics teacher
