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Massachusetts is updating its sex education guidelines for the first time in 24 years 

In June 2023, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts shared with the public a draft of a new framework that will guide how elementary, middle and high schools in the state approach sex education.

The last time Massachusetts issued guidelines that specify expectations for what Massachusetts students learn about sex in schools was 24 years ago, when most U.S. homes were not yet internet-connected.

Read the entire article here: 

Winchester Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Frank Hackett told Winchester News:

As I'm sure you know, the Massachusetts Board of Elementary and Secondary Education voted to put the Draft Comprehensive Health and Physical Education Framework out for public comment on June 27, 2023. This is an important step, which closes at the end of August. No additional timelines have been announced, but I anticipate the Board will review the feedback and determine the next steps. I have seen this process play out with other content areas and know that the final version may still be weeks or months away.

Winchester's curriculum development process is very deliberate, with broad-based educator involvement in determining how to best deliver instruction and assess state standards. The challenge is that these standards were released for public comment after school was already out. Ideally, the process would have allowed public comment to end in the spring with final approval sometime in May so we could have had time to begin our review and planning work this summer.  

With that, our next steps will be: 

1. Wait for the release of the approved Framework;

2. Conduct an in-depth review of the Framework to understand both the specific standards as well as the broader concepts;3. Determine what is new, what is updated, and what was already in the previous framework;4. Determine specific grades/courses where we are already teaching the standards and identify where and how any new standards need to be implemented;5. Determine what resources (people, materials, etc.) are needed and, if needed, explore funding options, including possible FY25 budgetary recommendations for the School Committee;

6. Begin the work of how we will assess the standards and student growth/performance, as well as how we will teach the standards.


Winchester High School puts on annual Financial Literacy Fair

Winchester High School puts on annual Financial Literacy Fair

Juniors  at Winchester High School last week traded their normal class routines for a taste of real-world financial challenges as they participated in the school’s annual Financial Literacy Fair. “We want to make students understand how the real world functions,” explained Dr. Scott Spencer, the history and economics teacher
