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The Winchester Historical Society announces fall programs

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The Winchester Historical Society is offering three programs this fall at the Sanborn House at 15 High St.  The first is on Oct. 4 starting at 7 p.m., starting with the society's annual meeting, followed by a talk called "Upstairs, Downstairs at the Sanborn House" with Ellen Knight.  The Sanborn House rose as a rare Beaux Arts residence on a hill overlooking Winchester during an early 20th-century age of prosperity.  The talk will cover:

  • Who lived in the house and what do they teach about the structure of Winchester society?
  • How did the house reflect the town’s development and built environment of the time?

Using new research, Dr. Knight will reveal insights into the lives and fortunes of the Sanborn family and staff, Sanborn House, and Winchester itself.

The following two programs will be a members reception with a talk by Nancy Shrock about the first artifacts exhibit showcasing historic items at the society, on Nov. 3 at 7, and the final program will be the annual Members' Holiday Party on Dec. 3 at 7 p.m.


Winchester High School puts on annual Financial Literacy Fair

Winchester High School puts on annual Financial Literacy Fair

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