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Muraco School parent Menina Ras Widom has been collecting old sneakers for a school fundraiser.  Unfortunately, her donation bins were stolen from the Transfer Station this week, but donors can reach her through Facebook.  Widom told the News that she thinks Lynch School parents are likely to do the same drive soon.

This is her Facebook post in the Winchester Residents group:

Hi All,

If you have any more sneakers to get rid of for the fundraiser below, please PM me! Unfortunately, my bins were stolen from the transfer station yesterday. I can either pick up or give you a drop off location. As for the bins, if you did mistakenly take the bins, you can bring them back to the transfer station at the same spot, no questions asked. Thank you!


Do you have old sneakers you don’t wear anymore? Are you going to the Transfer Station this week? If yes, we need your help! The Green team at Muraco Elementary School is participating in a fundraiser where there is nothing to buy or sell; All we need is your support and your gently worn, used, or new sneakers! Got Sneakers reuses or recycles our old sneakers and gives our organization money for each pair. Last spring, Muraco saved 144 pairs of sneakers from the landfills and/or incinerator!! We’re hoping to beat that record with your help, Winchester! You can clean out your closet, raise money for our local school, AND help the environment! 

Here’s how you can help:

Start in your and your family’s closets and gather as many pair of sneakers that you no longer want; maybe you’ve out-grown them, they’re out of style, or out of season. Sneakers ONLY please. No boots, sandals, or flip flops. You can ask your neighbors, friends, co-workers, and anyone in your social networks to help out. Every pair counts! Starting today, a Donation Bin will be under the large awning as you come in on your left for collection. Drop them off on your way out. Please send in all your sneakers by October 10th! Thank you in advance!!


Winchester High School puts on annual Financial Literacy Fair

Winchester High School puts on annual Financial Literacy Fair

Juniors  at Winchester High School last week traded their normal class routines for a taste of real-world financial challenges as they participated in the school’s annual Financial Literacy Fair. “We want to make students understand how the real world functions,” explained Dr. Scott Spencer, the history and economics teacher
