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According to Health Director Jennifer Murphy, Winchester will receive close to a million dollars as part of the state’s opioid settlement money. Murphy told the News via email:
Over the next 15 years the town will receive allotments of the opioid settlement. The settlement is paid from distributors, Johnson & Johnson (J&J), as well as several major pharmacies. The money is paid out in annual allotments; however, some allotments have been condensed as noted you can see below.
To Winchester:
- Distributors and J&J will pay out $550,384 over 15 years and
- Another settlement from two manufacturers and three major pharmacies will pay out in total $432,925 over the next several years (up to 10).
So far, the town has received:
- FY23 $113,643.26 (only $38k was appropriated by town meeting, so not all was available to spend. The remainder $75, will be appropriated at this fall Town Meeting.)
o It’s important to note that the $113 are payouts from Janssen years 1-5 and from distributors years 1 and 2.
- FY24 received to date $19,726.75. (This will also be appropriated at Fall Town Meeting and available to spend after).
- After Fall TM, the town will have received and appropriated approx. $133k.
- To date the town has spent $8k on:
o 3 community mental health first aid trainings and supplies: this is an evidenced -based curriculum that imparts information to community members on how to be aware of and triage those who are struggling. More trainings planned.
o Narcan kit supplies: the Health Department has created kits with Naloxone, fentanyl test strips, CPR face shield, gloves as well as, substance use disorder and mental health resources. We have distributed kits at the Farmer’s Market on community day as well as provided several to our town mental health workers.
o The Health Department is working with town partners: police, fire, mental health worker, social worker at Jenks, school staff, etc. people with lived experience and regional partners on strategies for harm reduction and prevention of substance use disorder and related issues such as mental health concerns.
Please go to the Attorney General's opioid site for more info on the settlement.