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Donations made in November to be matched by our fiscal sponsor

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Winchester News has been accepted into a NewsMatch program by our fiscal sponsor, The Institute for Nonprofit News.  NewsMatch is a national collective fundraising campaign designed to assist communities in supporting public service news reporting. Individual donations to nonprofit news outlets are matched by national and local funders. The NewsMatch matching gift campaign starts in November at

In 2023, the individual match cap is $1,000 per individual and the campaign match cap is currently $13,000. Make the most of your donation!

In addition, community or local matches are welcome during this period. If a funder (foundation or business) or group of funders is willing to match donations made to Winchester News during the NewsMatch campaign please let us know.


Winchester High School puts on annual Financial Literacy Fair

Winchester High School puts on annual Financial Literacy Fair

Juniors  at Winchester High School last week traded their normal class routines for a taste of real-world financial challenges as they participated in the school’s annual Financial Literacy Fair. “We want to make students understand how the real world functions,” explained Dr. Scott Spencer, the history and economics teacher
