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WIN Fast Forest seeks more volunteers

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Special to the News from Prassede Calibi Nov. 14, 2023

 The WIN Fast Forest is closing in on its goal for fall site preparation at Wright-Locke Farm. This project of the WFMCHub is turning a bit of low-habitat value wetlands into high value mature forest. By super-charging the soil and densely planting mature forest species, the site will be forest in 20 rather than the 150 years typical for New England. The 6,000 square foot area will be planted with some 39 native species, including oaks, maples, ash, spruce, dogwoods, elderberry, witch hazel and sweet pepperbush. More plant species means the forest can feed more different critters.

 Good weather on Saturdays has let volunteers clear three-fifths of the site, preparing for those natives this spring. But the weather won’t hold and the holidays are coming. The project needs more volunteers. “A Fast Forest is 51% forest and 49% community. Come join the community!” says Calabi.  “It’s good exercise, good karma. There’s chocolate, blondies, brownies - and excellent company.”

 The work involves digging to remove goldenrod roots, cutting above-ground invasive plants, and just picking up root bits off the soil.   For more information or to help pay for the plants, please click here (Donations are tax deductible)


- Thursday 12 - 3, November 16

- Saturdays 9A-12P  November 18 (and maybe November 25)

                    no need to stay the whole time, any help you can give is great!

- Wright-Locke Farm 82 Ridge St, 01890

  If this is your first time helping, please fill out this online form

(Form must be complete prior to volunteering).  

This event is for ages 11 and up (17 and under must be accompanied by an adult).

Wear clothes you don't mind getting dirty especially work boots; bring a water bottle...and a pair of gloves.  


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Winchester High School puts on annual Financial Literacy Fair

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