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En Ka grant applications due on Tuesday

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Special to the Winchester News Dec. 28, 2023 

The En Ka Society is a non-profit charitable organization of over 200 women volunteers.  Our mission is to aid non-profit organizations and initiatives that serve the people of Winchester, its residents in need, and our town for public purposes. We provide both monetary assistance and direct service programs in the community through grants, social service outlays and community outreach initiatives.  Funding for these services is raised primarily through our annual town-wide fair, grants, other fundraising events, activities and donations.  Since 2000, En Ka has given over $2 million back to the community.

En Ka is now accepting grant applications. The first quarter deadline is January 2, 2024.

En Ka is pleased to have supported local organizations and groups that serve our community with over 400 grants. Please consider applying if your non-profit organization or group supports our youth, the elderly, the physically or mentally challenged, or provides enrichment, health and/or social services to the Winchester community.

Go to for guidelines and an application or contact for more information.


Winchester High School puts on annual Financial Literacy Fair

Winchester High School puts on annual Financial Literacy Fair

Juniors  at Winchester High School last week traded their normal class routines for a taste of real-world financial challenges as they participated in the school’s annual Financial Literacy Fair. “We want to make students understand how the real world functions,” explained Dr. Scott Spencer, the history and economics teacher
