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Ripley Chapel to host Ash Wednesday Taizé service Feb. 14

On Wednesday, Feb. 14 at 7:30 p.m., there will be an Ash Wednesday Taizé service live in-person ONLY from the stunning Ripley Chapel at First Congregational Church, 21 Church St., Winchester. COURTESY PHOTO

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The following was submitted by the First Congregational Church in Winchester, UCC.

On Wednesday, Feb. 14 at 7:30 p.m., there will be an Ash Wednesday Taizé service live in-person ONLY from the stunning Ripley Chapel at First Congregational Church, 21 Church St., Winchester.

First Congregational Church offers a poignant and meditative Ash Wednesday service, featuring the ecumenical prayers and music of France’s Taizé community. All denominations are welcome.

As Lent begins, please join congregants for this simple service – of Scripture, prayer, silence, meditative singing and imposition of ashes – modeled after the rich and beautiful Taizé tradition.

Ministers will guide participants in prayer and silence; voice, violin, cello, guitar, and keyboard will lead beautiful chants, as a reminder and celebration of God’s love and forgiveness. This special tradition is a “parable of reconciliation and community.”

The service will include the imposition of ashes on the forehead or the back of the hand: "Remember that you are dust, and unto dust you shall return." The ashes are prepared by burning palm leaves from the previous year's Palm Sunday celebrations. They are offered as a sign of humility and self-examination.

What is Taizé? Simply put, a small village in France, near to Lyon. The Taizé community is a uniquely ecumenical monastic order with a strong devotion to young people and to peace and justice through prayer and meditation. As the Taizé community tells it, “To open the gates of trust in God, nothing can replace the beauty of human voices united in song. This beauty can give us a glimpse of heaven’s joy on earth.”

The worship service will be live in person ONLY. No live stream.

For more information, visit or contact Jane Ring Frank at857-919-0983or

IMPORTANT NOTE: Ripley Chapel can be found at the First Congregational Church, 21 Church St., Winchester. The entry is located on the Vine Street side of the church. Please use the accessible ramp entrance and Ripley Chapel will be directly to your right as you enter the building.


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