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James Pidacks - vegetables

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Anne-Marie Scholler - Othello rose

We asked you to send us photos of whatever’s growing in your garden, and boy, did you deliver! In July send ONE photo as an attachment to and put “Garden Photo” in the subject line.  Tell us what it is, for those of us who don’t know their peas from their petunias.

Charlene Band - allium
Marianne DiBlasi - cranesbill and million bells
Joanna Eastman - peonies
Rachna Jha - pansies
Alison Swallow - mayapple and coral honeysuckle
Pam Cort - hibiscus


More photos from the Fells

More photos from the Fells

Mary New continues to share some of the photos she takes when she walks from her Wolcott Terrace backyard into the Middlesex Fells.  Winchester News is a non-profit organization supported by our community. If you appreciate having local Winchester news, please donate to support our work, and subscribe to our

How well do you know Winchester?

How well do you know Winchester?

Once again, We’re using a photo by Mike Arwe. Mike is the grand champion of How well, identifying almost every photo since this column started. If you know the answer, send an email to and put How well in the subject line.   Last week we had
