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Winchester student transportation project is for kids

Student Charlie Lin made this poster as a school project about the MBTA. COURTESY PHOTO/CHARLIE LIN

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The following was submitted by Prisma eighth-grade student Charlie Lin:

My name is Charlie, and I made this cool little poster here! I’ve been working on a community service project for my school for the past few weeks. I decided to research public transit in Winchester before trying to figure out what I would actually do.

In my research, I’ve found out... honestly, probably too much about the public transit around here. And I’d love to share it with you people who may not have read way too far into MBTA reports on the Winchester Center construction!

I hope that this informational poster will be helpful to kids and just people in general who don’t know too much about public transit.


Helpers Among Us — ‘Flower Ladies’ create beautiful arrangements at Wright-Locke

Helpers Among Us — ‘Flower Ladies’ create beautiful arrangements at Wright-Locke

Volunteer jobs can be very satisfying, but the Wright-Locke Farm’s “Flower Ladies” go home with more than satisfaction.  “It’s flower therapy,” says Mary Farrell. Edward Drive resident Farrell started creating floral arrangements years ago when one of the original volunteers (99-year-old Lillian Cohen, who’s since moved out

How well do you know Winchester?

How well do you know Winchester?

Latest in the series. Photographer Frank Siteman has taken photos of places downtown, and your job is to guess where they were taken.   If you know the answer, send an email to and put How well in the subject line.   Last time we had one winner. Mike

How did Winchester vote in the state primary?

How did Winchester vote in the state primary?

With a voter turnout of 15.7%, five candidates topped their respective tickets in Winchester during the Sept. 3 primary.   U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren, U.S. Rep. Katherine Clark (MA-5), Councilor Terrance Kennedy (6th District), Middlesex Clerk of Courts Michael Sullivan and Middlesex Register of Deeds Maria Curatone, each