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It’s a sign of the times. Actually, it’s a sign of what events are happening throughout Winchester.
You might have seen the console hanging in the window of Book Ends as you stroll through the downtown business district. And that’s exactly what the Winchester Chamber of Commerce is hoping for.
Executive Director Dana Garmey credited Dot Butler with the idea after she noticed a similar board at the Winchester Boat Club.
“There’s a large screen in their lobby,” Garmey said. “She thought we could put it in a store. Everyone always says how difficult it is to get the word out about their events.”

So Garmey went out to Costco and bought a screen. With the software added, she said the entire enterprise cost under $500.
“It took awhile to learn how to do it,” she said, of the software. “But it turned out the software was easy to use and I can even put an event in with my phone.”
In mid-October, the screen went up at Book Ends.
“It was a natural fit,” Garmey said, of the choice for the screen. “The owners are on the chamber board and Book Ends is a very central place. They had a window and they didn’t know what to do with the space. They get asked to put up a lot of fliers. I thought we could kill three birds with one stone.”
Garmey said the screen only announces events being put on by chamber members — and if the town asks, they will put those up as well. So far, she added, three new businesses have joined in order to get their events up on the board.
“So far, the reaction has been very positive,” Garmey said, of the screen. “Everyone asks Book Ends about how they can put an event on there.”

Garmey emphasized the screen is for events only. No promotional material allowed.
With the test run proving to be successful, Garmey said she is hoping to put up another screen in the Church Street area, near Studio on the Common. Right now, she’s looking for sponsors for that project.
“I’m really hoping for another one,” Garmey said. “This one went really well.”