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Winchester News introduces its first Pet of the Week: Lyra

The Winchester News is proud to present its first Pet of the Week: Lyra. COURTESY PHOTO/FRANK SITEMAN

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The Winchester News will be adding a new feature to its lineup: Pet of the Week!

The inaugural Pet of the Week is Lyra, whose owner Frank Siteman does most of the How well do you know Winchester photos.

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“She’s a pure-bred golden retriever, born and raised in Rochester Mass., where her mother, Annie, was raised by Carol Allen of Golden Reigns Puppies,” Siteman says. “She’s a registered therapy dog, working with Caring Canines, an organization which arranges visits to senior residences, schools, hospitals, nursing homes, assisted living, memory care units, emergency responders and universities.”

Have you got an amazing pet you would like to share with us? Send a photo and some information about your pet to with Pet of the Week in the subject line.

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