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Toni Frain’s dog Ozzy is a 4-year-old French Bulldog who loves walks, cheese and scritches. COURTESY PHOTO/TONI FRAIN

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Toni Frain recently sent us this lovely item on her dog Ozzy, who is this week’s Pet of the Week:

This is Ozzy and we live in the Highlands. He’s a 4-year-old French Bulldog.

Ozzy loves hikes in the Fells, pulling me on long walks around the neighborhood, sitting on the front porch watching kids walk by (they all know his name and say “hi”) and sitting on our laps.

Sometimes, during those long walks, he’ll stop and refuse to walk any further, turning his back to me if I say his name. Only the promise of cheese will get him moving again.

He loves attention and scritches and when he’s not getting either, that is, if he’s not sleeping, he will jump up and down like a Jack Russell to catch your eye. He gets so excited for his Fells hikes and car rides that he screams, sounding fully human and leading neighbors to ask me with a chuckle “Are you sure he likes his playdates?”

He’s a loving and funny little companion who snorts, chortles and passes gas through our world, making it a bit smelly, but overwhelmingly joyful and delightful.

Have you got a pet in your household you would like to spotlight? Just send us their name, a little bit of information about their age and personality and of course, do not forget to send a photo! Just email with Pet of the Week in the subject line.


Winchester High School puts on annual Financial Literacy Fair

Winchester High School puts on annual Financial Literacy Fair

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