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When the School Committee meets on Jan. 30 it is expected to approve a preliminary level services budget of just over $70 million, up $4 million from last year.
“We’ve made some adjustments around enrollment, but there are no new positions in this budget, a level services budget,” said Superintendent Dr. Frank Hackett.
On the plus side, School Committee member Michelle Bergstom noted that history shows the budget the School Committee receives in January is typically not the budget that goes to Town Meeting. However, the budget that does ultimately go to Town Meeting might not necessarily be the one the committee wants.
Hackett said after the School Committee approves the preliminary budget. it goes to the town manager and the Finance Committee and then they work on it.
“So, just to be clear, the budget that goes to Town Meeting floor is not the School Committee’s budget,” he said. “The budget that goes to Town Meeting floor is the Finance Committee’s budget … as is the case with all other town departments.”
Here is a quick breakdown of the preliminary budget:
• 2025 budget: Town Meeting approved $66,144,294.60, a 4.67% increase over fiscal year 2024
• 2026 preliminary budget: $70,004,563 or a 5.84% increase over 2025
• Projected increase in personnel services: $3,572,491.81
• Projected increase in other expenses: $287,776.59
Known Assumptions (things accounted for in the preliminary budget)
• 7: number of retirees.
Since replacements will likely be budgeted at lower salaries, that is a savings, Hackett said.
• 3.67%: Amount that Special Education out-of-district tuition is expected to increase.
Hackett called that fortunate considering the state, which sets the tuition costs, raised the rate by 14% for fiscal year 2025.
“All budget lines have been adjusted based on historical, enrollment and program driven needs,” according to the presentation made by Andrew Marron, director of Finance and Operations.
Unknown Assumptions (things that could change the bottom line of the final budget)
• Chapter 70 or state funding is a current unknown.
• Enrollment is fluid.
• Contracts for all five of the district’s bargaining units are up for negotiation in 2025.
“There’s a lot of things that we don’t know right now,” said Hackett.
Bergstrom said changes have been made in the way the budget has been traditionally communicated.
“Transparency is the key to any budget process,” she said. “Without it, we can risk confusion, especially when priorities and funding decisions are unclear, and that’s why we’re seeking to improve ours by improving and communicating our timeline tonight.”
Part of that timeline includes adjusting the level of involvement of stakeholders in the process, she explained, which will look like the following:
• Jan. 30: School Committee plans to vote on the preliminary budget.
• February: Field feedback and recommendations regarding the preliminary budget from all stakeholders, including staff, students, Town Meeting members, Finance Committee and the public at large, including conducting some surveys.
• Present budget book to the School Committee at the end of the month.
• March and April into May: Continue to work with the Finance Committee, Select Board and Town Manager Beth Rudolph to make sure the School Committee’s approved budget is the one moving toward Town Meeting.
Concerns over preliminary budget
Over 80% of the budget is personnel, Hackett said.
“The actual money that we have available that goes outside of that is fairly limited, it is quite limited in Winchester, and it has been for quite some time,” he said.
Parents Paras Bhayani and Cheryl Timko urged the School Committee to invest an early literacy program, an issue that has been dogging the district for more than a year.
“Doing it right is resource intensive, but it’s cheaper, ultimately, than doing it the wrong way,” Bhayai said. “I think ultimately that is going to be an investment the district has to make.”
Hackett said he and the committee were committed to doing things right when it came to the early literacy program, but it was going to take time.
“Because it is a lot of money in the end, and what we don’t want to do is make a decision, make that financial investment, and have staff not be supported and not be invested in the change,” he said. “So we are listening to our staff.”
Select Board member Bill McGonigle, speaking as a parent with two young kids in Winchester schools, urged the board to not be shy when it comes to asking for what they need.
“Advocate for our children, advocate for our schools,” he said. “That’s why we have elected you to these offices. That’s why we have hired you.”
McGonigle said school officials need to ask the town for more funding and put that need in real terms, not just numbers.
“Our schools are not a distressed asset. They are our schools and our children’s futures,” he said. “Explain what programs, what teachers, are going to be lost if we don’t get what you need. Do the same for Town Meeting.”
Hackett said school officials haven’t sought additional funding in the past because they knew the support wasn’t there. However, once they know exactly what their needs are, in terms of programming and teacher support, they will be asking.
Megan Blackwell said she was struck by how large the level service increase was, given so much wasn’t included in the budget. She wondered if the committee ever considered a zero-based budget.
She said she believes towns like Wellesley does them, “where they look to see what was spent the previous year, what wasn’t and what could be adjusted.”
Hackett said he too was struck by the increase, but not surprised. He also said a close look at Wellesley’s zero-based budget would show it looks very much like what they already do in Winchester.
Hackett said 85% of the budget is staff, which is where they go first in budgeting. They look at staffing needs, class sizes, enrollment and, does staff need to be shifted, he said.
Next they look at courses and pathways for high school students and by then they’re at 85% of the budget. The rest, Hackett said, is special education and contracted services.
Wellesley, he added, can do real zero-based budgeting because they are simply better funded.
The School Committee is expected to vote on the preliminary budget on Thursday, Jan. 30 at its regular meeting, beginning at 6:30 p.m.
Editor’s Note: This story has been updated from its original posting with new information.