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League of Women Voters to hold town election candidate forums in March

A Select Board debate from the 2024 election held by the League of Women Voters of Winchester. The group will once again be sponsoring candidate forums on March 5 and 6 at the Jenks Center. WINCHESTER NEWS FILE PHOTO

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The following was submitted by the League of Women Voters:

Winchester’s annual local town wide election will be held on March 22, with all precincts voting at Winchester High School.

The League of Women Voters of Winchester will again sponsor candidate forums at the Jenks Center Cummings Room for all races with more candidates than open seats.

A forum for the Select Board candidates will be held on March 5 and a forum for the School Committee on March 6. Start time on both nights will be 6:30 p.m., when you can meet your Town Meeting representative candidates; forums will start at 7 p.m.

The following are this year’s candidates and positions they are running for:

Moderator — Philip Frattaroli

Select Board — Anthea Brady, Dorothy Simboli, Richard Welch Jr., Paras Bhayani

Assessors Board — George Nowell Jr.

Board of Health — Anne Marie Hill

Planning Board — Melissa Mathis

School Committee — Karen Maruyama Bolognese, Stefanie Mnayarji, Christian Nixon

Trustee Library — David Coughlan

Housing Authority — No candidate

What do you want to know? The League would like to ask everyone, adults and students, to submit your proposed debate questions to by Feb. 25.

No question is too big, too small, or too controversial. Debate questions will be composed with an eye to relevance, absence of bias, civility, and likelihood of eliciting an informative response from the candidates.

The League will again provide an online Voters Guide with brief submissions from all of these candidates, as well as candidates who are running unopposed, and candidates for Town Meeting.

More info at the LWV website. We thank the Cummings Foundation for its support.

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