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PETS OF THE WEEK: O’Reilly, Bledsoe and Nifty

Check out the Scali family huskies, from the left O’Reilly, Nifty and Bledsoe. COURTESY PHOTOS/CYNTHIA SCALI

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Cynthia Scali recently shared photos of her three beloved huskies with us: Nifty, O’Reilly and Bledsoe.

Here is what Cynthia had to say:

O’Reilly is 11 years old, and was named after Terry O’Reilly of the Boston Bruins.  

We had told our kids that if the Patriots won the Super Bowl in 2017, we’d get another dog and that’s when we got Bledsoe, who’s named after Drew Bledsoe.  

Nifty Rick Middleton came to us in 2024.  

They are wonderful dogs. They are also a staple in the Mayflower Road area and well loved by all who meet them.

Nifty has had some health issues, and had surgery to insert a liver shunt. Fortunately, she’s on the road to recovery.  

We could not imagine our lives without them.  

Have you got a pet in your household you would like to spotlight? Just send us their name, a little bit of information about their age and personality and of course, do not forget to send a photo! Just email with Pet of the Week in the subject line.

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