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— How many years have you lived in Winchester?  25 years

— Please describe your professional background and education. 
I am a lawyer with a background in commercial and residential real estate, having worked in small, mid, and large sized law firms and mother of 3 adult children.

Massachusetts Bar 1994-Present
Massachusetts Notary Public 1992-1998, 2017-Present
Pennsylvania Bar 1992-Present

 Continuing Legal Education:
MACLE – Trust and Estates and Commercial Leasing.
PACLE – Ethics.
Cannon Institute – Trusts.

 Volunteer Experience: Town of Winchester, The Bartlett School, Vinson-Owen School, The Fessenden School, Buckingham, Browne & Nichols School, Nashoba Valley Buddy Werner Ski Club, Winchester Ballet Conservatory, Gymnastics and More Parent Association, the MAC Tennis Academy, International Ballet Academy of Norwell, Youth American Grand Prix.

University of Wisconsin-Madison
Bachelor of Arts 1989.
University of Bonn, Germany – UW Study Abroad 1988-89.

University of Richmond School of Law
Juris Doctorate 1992.

University of Iowa College of Law –
Comparative Law Program - Arcachon, France June 1990

 — What Winchester town positions (appointed or elected) have you held, and for how long? 
Winchester Zoning Board of Appeals Chair March 2024-Present
Winchester Zoning Board of Appeals Associate Full Member March 2023-Present
Winchester Zoning Board of Appeals Associate Member May 2016-March 2023
Winchester Town Meeting Member 2016-Present
Winchester Communications Study Committee 2022

 –- What volunteer roles have you done that made a difference in Winchester?
During my service on the Zoning Board of Appeals, I have assisted homeowners and developers renovate homes and other buildings, including historical structures, and in building new residential housing, including affording housing. Through my experience, I have gained a wealth of knowledge and experience in working with homeowners, civil engineers, architects, attorneys and other professionals. I am also an active participant in Town Meeting, bringing my knowledge of real estate, development and land use to help educate other Town Meeting Members and advocate for the residents and other community members including business owners. Also, as a parent of a former Winchester student and parent volunteer, I have first-hand experience navigating and advocating for a neurodiverse student within the public school system sharing deep empathy and compassion with WPS parents and a true appreciation for the devoted and caring teachers and staff of WPS. 

— Why should I vote for you? 
I bring a unique blend of legal, business and administrative experience, especially in my municipal leadership roles which have had a positive impact on housing, education and business growth. During my past 9 years of service on Town Meeting, I have brought energy and commitment to serving the Town, listening to and learning from other members Town Meeting, Town boards and committees, as well as the residents and community members. I will bring that same energy and commitment in my future municipal service on the Select Board and in Town Meeting. I am creative and a problem-solver and want to help our Town maintain fiscal health during challenging periods of growth, while helping improve our schools, specifically the literacy, math and SPED concerns, and help preserve its unique historical character. 

Town Meeting candidate-specific questions  

— What specific methods will you use to gather and represent your constituents' perspectives on issues that come before Town Meeting? 

As a Town Meeting Member, I will continue to reach out to my constituents to listen and understand their concerns and answer their questions on ongoing Town matters. I am always available by phone and email and as in the past, will meet in person. I will also participate in the Town Meeting Members Association through which members share feedback from their constituents, via which I am able to gather a greater town-wide perspective.

— Transparency and communication are vital in representative government. What steps will you take to keep your constituents informed about Town Meeting decisions and to explain your voting rationale? 

As stated above, I am always available to meet in person or by phone. Part of being a Town Meeting Member is to help constituents understand the decision-making process and municipal procedures which lead to certain changes and actions. If I do not have the information sought, I seek it out and either relay the information or put them in touch with other member of our community who can answer their questions. My goal in serving the town is to engage earlier with the residents and during the problem-solving stages of Town governance in order to optimally and efficiently address the Town’s needs today and for the benefit of future generations.

— Town Meeting decides three major things: It sets the salaries for the elected officials, votes to appropriate money to run the town, and votes on the town's local statutes, which are called by-laws. How do you plan to evaluate and make decisions on budgetary allocations to ensure fiscal responsibility while meeting the town's needs?  

As in previous years, I watch WinCam’s televising or recordings of the budget discussions for School Committee, Select Board and Town Manager’s reports. The FY26 Budget Summit was helpful in providing an overview of the upcoming budget which will be voted on by Town Meeting, although the official numbers have not been released as of today. During these preliminary stages, review of historical and current budgetary information is vital to help better understand the ongoing and future fiscal needs of the Town. By the time Town Meeting votes on the budget, most items have been reviewed in depth by School Committee, Capital Planning, the Town Manager and Finance Committee. 

— What are the primary issues motivating your candidacy?

Balanced and responsible growth of diverse housing stock while ensuring historic preservation, optimizing infrastructure and encouraging commercial development and making Winchester a business-friendly community, especially along the North Main Street corridor.

Winchester’s commitment to excel in education must translate into adopting updated and best practice curriculum, standards and performance measures to ensure that the needs of all students are met while also supporting our outstanding teachers and staff. Critical issues including literacy, math, professional development and special education.

Financial stability is paramount as we face a backlog of deferred capital projects and current (Lynch School) and future projects such as the Muraco Elementary School. Implementation of sound fiscal policies, transparent budgeting and expenses and prudent resource allocation will be essential for the Town’s future financial health and stability.

— How would you like voters to contact you if they have questions or want to discuss your platform further? (Please specify your preferred method: email, phone, website, social media, or in-person meetings.) 

As stated elsewhere, I am available to meet in person or talk by phone. Voters should feel free to reach out via email

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Winchester High School puts on annual Financial Literacy Fair

Winchester High School puts on annual Financial Literacy Fair

Juniors  at Winchester High School last week traded their normal class routines for a taste of real-world financial challenges as they participated in the school’s annual Financial Literacy Fair. “We want to make students understand how the real world functions,” explained Dr. Scott Spencer, the history and economics teacher
