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Karen Maruyama-Bolognese, Precinct 6

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How many years have you lived in Winchester? 14 years
Please describe your professional background and education.
Experience: Large Animal Veterinarian, Licensed in Massachusetts
Assistant Vice President of Finance, Ford Motor Company in the Philippines
Interpreter / Translator, Dai-Ichi Seimei Life Insurance Company, Tokyo, Japan
English teacher, Japan Exchange and Teaching Program, Nagoya, Japan
Education: Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Tufts University Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine Master of Business Administration, University of Michigan Ross School of Business Bachelor of Arts, cum laude, English, Vanderbilt University Advanced Japanese, Keio University, Tokyo, Japan
What Winchester town positions (appointed or elected) have you held, and for how long?
School Committee Chair, 2024-25, 2021-22; Member since 2019 (elected)
Town Meeting Member, 2012 - present (elected)
Facilities Master Plan Phase I Enrollment Update Working Group: 2024 - present
Housing Production Plan Update Working Group Member: 2023-24
Field Management Committee Member: 2024 - present, 2021-22
What volunteer roles have you done that made a difference in Winchester?
I have worked hard in all my roles (a selection follows) in the town and schools to reflect the diverse needs of our community, listen to our community members, and build strong relationships with local and state officials. Hearing from different people makes for a richer experience for all in Winchester.
Coalition for a Safer Community Member, 2022 - present
Board of Advisors, Winchester Community Music School, 2024 - present
Board of Trustees & Governance Committee Chair, WCMS, 2018 - 2024
Multiple Volunteer Roles Including School Councils (elected), Enrichment Committee Chair, McCall & Vinson Owen schools
Founder / Co-Chair: V-O School’s International Night, 2016-2022
Chair of Science Park & Butterfly Garden, V-O, 2013 - 2022
Participant: Civic Discussion Groups for Town of Winchester, 2016-2018
Why should I vote for you?
I am a tireless, energetic worker and community volunteer who gives my best in everything I do. Check out my website,, Accomplishments and Around Town, for more.

Town Meeting candidate-specific questions:
What specific methods will you use to gather and represent your constituents' perspectives on issues that come before Town Meeting?

I enjoy talking with and listening to people to learn more about their interests and concerns. Their perspectives are invaluable for helping me to understand issues around town and in the schools. The Town Meeting Members Association is a very helpful means of bringing people together, disseminating information, and enabling members to understand issues better in order to make better decisions.
— Transparency and communication are vital in representative government. What steps will you take to keep your constituents informed about Town Meeting decisions and to explain your voting rationale?
I am involved in multiple committees and organizations and schools so I can report on Town Meeting process and decisions, answer questions, and hear community input. For example, at parent association meetings, I make sure to describe the process of developing the school department budget, the different entities that review the budget, and that Town Meeting votes to approve the final budget. This is often met with some surprise as the initial assumption is that when School Committee votes the budget, it is a “done deal.” This process of education is important to engage the community at large, and I am happy to participate in that. Social media and community get-togethers are also helpful for summarizing key decisions made at Town Meeting.
Town Meeting decides three major things: It sets the salaries for the elected officials, votes to appropriate money to run the town, and votes on the town's local statutes, which are called by-laws. How do you plan to evaluate and make decisions on budgetary allocations to ensure
fiscal responsibility while meeting the town's needs?

I’ve worked hard to listen to our community and to build strong relationships with local and state officials. This helps me to make well-informed decisions and to advocate for our town’s needs. I take fiscal responsibility seriously and recognize the tax burden on our residents. On the school side, we have been working on a 5 year budget and strategic plan, Winchester 2030. I am equally interested in seeing the municipal side develop its own 5 year budget and strategic plan. This helps to plan out needed positions, programs, and investments over the long-term so that Town Meeting can make the best and most responsible decisions for use of taxpayers’ money.

NB: I think Town Meeting does not “vote the salaries for elected officials” because elected positions are purely voluntary. Town Meeting does, however, vote on personnel salaries for the Town (e.g. police department, fire department, the items of the yellow sheet, etc.)

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Winchester High School puts on annual Financial Literacy Fair

Winchester High School puts on annual Financial Literacy Fair

Juniors  at Winchester High School last week traded their normal class routines for a taste of real-world financial challenges as they participated in the school’s annual Financial Literacy Fair. “We want to make students understand how the real world functions,” explained Dr. Scott Spencer, the history and economics teacher
