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Hello Winchester –

I am William McPadden, a candidate for reelection as a Town Meeting Member in Precinct 7. Everyone calls me Bill. I have been a resident of the Town since 1998 when my wife Andrea & I moved to Salisbury Street. We have raised two wonderful children, Jack & Michelle, who are both products of the Winchester School system. Jack is now pursuing a Doctorate in Psychology and Michelle is an undergraduate at the University of Delaware.

Prior to my retirement in 2021, I was Global Head of Real Estate at Manulife Investment Management. In this position I directed all aspects of commercial real estate investment, inclusive of ownership, tenancy, affordable housing, and lending. I was part of the enterprise’s senior leadership team & held (internal & external) board and committee positions throughout my tenure. My strengths are in the areas of long-range planning, fiscal management, communication, and openness to learning & change.

I have been a Town Meeting Member since 2022 & seek reelection. I am also a member & the Wildwood Cemetery Commission & have participated in other aspects of the Town including working the polls on election day, helping at Town Day, and am a past Winchester recreational youth soccer & softball coach. My wife & I are also supporters of local and national causes including Winchester Hospital, National Braille Press, Perkins School for the Blind, Boston Children’s Hospital and Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.

During my Town Meeting Representative time, I engaged with residents and elected town representatives to understand what issues and topics are of concern. As a Town, we are fortunate to have an excellent school system, dedicated municipal employees and a supportive tax base. Underneath there are pressing issues about housing affordability, structural budget deficits and deferred capital/infrastructure needs. To stay close to topics I view Select Board meetings and read other Board/Committee reports. I also utilize the Winchester Town Meeting Members Association shared site to engage with other Town Meeting Members & to review comments and context. This helps me understand the different points of view Warrant Articles trigger.

Reviewing & sharing this type of information with my constituents, has been my #1 achievement as a Town Meeting Member. Folks are appreciative of communications and have provided helpful feedback to guide decision making. I hope my constituents will send me back for another 3 years of service.

Thank you very much – Bill. 

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Winchester High School puts on annual Financial Literacy Fair

Winchester High School puts on annual Financial Literacy Fair

Juniors  at Winchester High School last week traded their normal class routines for a taste of real-world financial challenges as they participated in the school’s annual Financial Literacy Fair. “We want to make students understand how the real world functions,” explained Dr. Scott Spencer, the history and economics teacher
