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Our dog’s name is Cashew, or “Cash” for short. He’s a 2-year-old Lab mix that we adopted from Paws Project Foundation, and he was part of a litter called “The Nut Litter.”   Cash loves to cuddle, steal shoes, and run around the yard with his moms’ outdoor pillows.

Sen. Jason Lewis announces January office hours in Winchester

Sen. Jason Lewis announces January office hours in Winchester

The following was submitted by the Office of Sen. Jason Lewis: State Sen. Jason Lewis will be holding office hours in Winchester on Monday, Jan. 6, from 10:30-11:30 a.m. at the Winchester Public Library, 80 Washington St. Any Winchester resident is welcome to attend office hours, with

‘Gulls’ fly at new Winchester Riverwalk Sculpture Park

‘Gulls’ fly at new Winchester Riverwalk Sculpture Park

The following was submitted by Arts Winchester: Last Thursday, Dec. 19, the finishing touches were added to the Winchester Riverwalk Sculpture Park. Sculptor Dale Rogers installed “Gulls,” a sculpture grouping of three stainless steel gulls. Josh Ruder, the stone bench sculptor, was also onsite to assist with the “Gulls” installation

Jenks forum discusses renewables

Jenks forum discusses renewables

By John Brown, Ron Latanision, and Walter Hubbard  In December Patrick Roche of Good Energy discussed the state of renewable electricity on the New England grid and how this aligns with Massachusetts’ ambitious climate goals, with particular emphasis on how this works here in Winchester.  Good Energy manages community choice

How well do you know Winchester?

How well do you know Winchester?

Latest in the series. Photographer Frank Siteman has taken photos of places downtown, and your job is to guess where they were taken.  This week the photo was not taken downtown but on the west side. Donate - last week to get your dollars triple-matched! If you know the answer,

Yes, Virginia...There is a Santa Claus

Yes, Virginia...There is a Santa Claus

Editor’s Note: Francis P. Church’s editorial, “Yes Virginia, There is a Santa Claus” first appeared in The New York Sun in 1897, and was reprinted annually until 1949 when the paper went out of business. When it first appeared, it was an immediate sensation, and became one of

Winchester honored for energy conservation milestone

Winchester honored for energy conservation milestone

The following was submitted by the town of Winchester: The Town of Winchester was recognized at an award ceremony on Nov. 22 by the state Department of Energy Resources (DOER) for having achieved a 20% reduction in municipal energy use since becoming a Green Community in 2010. Annual energy savings
