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Town plans focus groups to improve public communication

Winchester officials will hold focus groups to continue to develop a communication plan. COURTESY PHOTO/WICKMEDIA COMMONS/JOHN PHELAN

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The Town of Winchester is continuing its work with the Edward J. Collins, Jr. Center for Public Management on the development of a Communication Plan.

The online survey, which wrapped up Dec. 8, 2023, elicited more than 1,000 survey responses. Staff from the Collins Center has also completed stakeholder interviews and will be holding a series of focus groups in January as noted below:

Jan. 16, 5:30 p.m., (Virtual) – How the Town Can Improve Communications

Jan. 18, 5:30 p.m., (Virtual) – Town Website Improvements

Jan. 23, 1 p.m. (In-person at the Jenks Center) – Town Website Improvements

Jan. 23, 5:30 p.m., (In-person at Town Hall) – How the Town Can Improve Communications

Visit the Town’s website to sign-up for one of these events. Spaces are limited.


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Winchester High School puts on annual Financial Literacy Fair

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