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Occasional photos from Middlesex Fells by Mary New

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Mary New has offered to share some of the photos she takes when she's out in her Wolcott Terrace backyard abutting the Middlesex Fells.  Mary sent us this information about her hobby:  Hi, I'm Mary New, a Winchester resident since 2004. I have lived next to the Fells since 2005 and often see owls, hawks, coyotes, foxes and more in my backyard or close by. The Middlesex Fells and Long Pond, particularly, is my backyard and my happy place.


Work on Winchester Center Station expected to close, detour roads downtown

Work on Winchester Center Station expected to close, detour roads downtown

The following was submitted by the MBTA: From Tuesday, Feb. 18 to Thursday, Feb. 20, Winchester residents should be aware work is taking place in the downtown area for continuing work to the Winchester Center Station. Crews are expected to be performing steel beam, platform, guardrail, and light pole installation
