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Sol Gittleman, author of An Accidental Triumph, to speak at library tomorrow

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Special to the News, Nov. 7, 2023

 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 7:00—8:00 PM, Large Meeting Room, Winchester Public Library

 Sol Gittleman, author and Professor Emeritus at Tufts University, will discuss his book An Accidental Triumph: The Improbable History of American Higher Education.

Hardly a day passes without some reference to the decline of American colleges and universities. America has created, mostly by accident, a higher education enterprise unlike any in the world. In the years after WWII, American faculty have come to dominate the Nobel Prizes, while millions of international students seek a place on any American campus. So, what are we: a higher education disaster, or the envy of the world? The answer is: both. How did this happen?

Registration is not required, but you may register online if you'd like an email reminder!

This event is part of the Friends of the Winchester Public Library Speaker Series and is made possible by your generous donations to the Friends of the Winchester Public Library.


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