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Winchester News president completes Google News Initiative

GNI certificate

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Winchester News Board President Tara Hughes was awarded a certificate for completing the Google News Initiative Pre-Launch Program. Hughes applied for the GNI program on behalf of Winchester News, and out of the more than 170 applicants, the News was one of only 25 news outlets selected.

Hughes said, “The GNI Pre-launch Startups Lab was basically an eight-week graduate level crash course in how to start a small journalism business. It was intense, but also interesting and exciting. It culminated in each individual having to give a two-minute pitch of their project to lab mates and industry groups such as Lion Publishers and the Institute for Non-profit News. I am proud to have completed and graduated from the lab.”


How well do you know Winchester?

How well do you know Winchester?

Last time we had one winner. Anne Hoenicke guessed it’s on the Town Common. See last week’s to refresh your memory. Photographer Mike Arwe says, “It’s a weather-proof cover for an electrical connection. I assume for the tree lights on the common.” He even includes a link