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How well do you know Winchester?

How well do you know Winchester?

Latest in the series.  Retired photographer Frank Siteman has taken photos of places downtown, and your job is to guess where they were taken.  If you know the answer, send an email to and put How well in the subject line.   Last week we had several winners.

How well do you know Winchester?

How well do you know Winchester?

By Joyce Westner Dec. 28, 2023 Third in the series.  Retired photographer Frank Siteman has taken photos of places downtown, and your job is to guess where they were taken.  This time there's only one photo and no answer key.  Send an email to  if

Helpers Among Us--collecting for Ukrainians

Helpers Among Us--collecting for Ukrainians

First in a series of articles about residents helping those in need. By Joyce Westner Dec. 20, 2023 When Russia invaded Ukraine back in February of 2022, like most Americans, Arlington St. resident BonnieJean Butler was infuriated.  “I knew I needed to do something,” she says.  “They were targeting Ukrainian

How well do you know Winchester?

How well do you know Winchester?

By Joyce Westner Dec. 20, 2023 Here's the second in the series.  Retired photographer Frank Siteman has taken photos of places downtown, and your job is to guess where they were taken.  The answer key is below, but no peaking.  A graduate of Tufts, Frank has taught photography

How well do you know Winchester?

How well do you know Winchester?

By Joyce Westner Dec. 16, 2023  A new feature starts today!  Retired photographer Frank Siteman has taken photos of places downtown, and your job is to guess where they were taken.  The answer key is below, but no peaking.  A graduate of Tufts, Frank has taught photography at many institutions

Unitarian church bells explained

Unitarian church bells explained

By James Pidacks Dec. 13, 2023  How do the bell chimes work to sound on the hour?  This learning journey started while working with a vendor on security cameras. I was in the bell tower for the first time.  I looked at all the equipment and wanted to learn more.

Donate to Toys for Tots

Donate to Toys for Tots

By Charlene Band Dec. 9, 2023  If you’d like to buy toys for less fortunate child, you can bring them to the downtown fire station or to the toy store.  Deran Muckjian, owner of Catch a Falling Star on Main Street, was busy organizing and restocking the shelves when

More Photos from Mary New Dec. 2

Mary New continues to share some of the photos she takes when she's out in her Wolcott Terrace backyard abutting the Middlesex Fells.  These are hooded mergansers which show up in the late fall at local ponds.

Select Board approves Waterfield re-design

Select Board approves Waterfield re-design

By Tara Hughes November 21, 2023 Representatives from Civico and Causeway were present at Monday’s Select Board meeting to present and discuss modifications to the proposed Waterfield project. These changes came about due to Fire Code requirements and abutter issues. The modifications have resulted in the net loss of

WIN Fast Forest seeks more volunteers

WIN Fast Forest seeks more volunteers

Special to the News from Prassede Calibi Nov. 14, 2023  The WIN Fast Forest is closing in on its goal for fall site preparation at Wright-Locke Farm. This project of the WFMCHub is turning a bit of low-habitat value wetlands into high value mature forest. By super-charging the soil and

Young student helps with Thanksgiving baskets

Young student helps with Thanksgiving baskets

By Charlene Band Winchester resident Katherine Mucci, an elementary school student, has been busy helping to purchase food supplies for the Rotary Club of Winchester. Why does the Rotary Club need food supplies? It’s for the Thanksgiving Holiday Basket service project for the Council of Social Concern. Katherine is
