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Special to the News

Did You Know – Historical Commission

Did You Know – Historical Commission

By Jack LeMenager, Winchester Historical Commission Chair, Nov. 25, 2023 What attracted us to Winchester in the first place? Many residents would cite its excellent schools as well as its proximity to Boston. The town’s historic built environment would also rank high on that short list. It is the

Lake Street bridge reopens

Lake Street bridge reopens

By Peter Casey Nov. 21, 2023 Traffic is flowing again on Lake St. as Winchester’s Department of Public Works opened the bridge that connects Main St. to Wildwood St.   As soon as the detour and road closed signs came down, with little fanfare cars started traveling in both directions.

Crawford Church Holiday Fair on Saturday

Crawford Church Holiday Fair on Saturday

Special to the News Nov 7, 2023  The Crawford Memorial United Methodist Church, 34 Dix St. in Winchester, will hold its annual Holiday Faire on Saturday, November 11, from 8:30am to 2:00pm. Crawford’s Famous Apple Pies and Fabulous Cookie Bar; the Christmas Room with a splendid array

WIN Fast Forest seeks more volunteers

WIN Fast Forest seeks more volunteers

Special to the News from Prassede Calibi Nov. 14, 2023  The WIN Fast Forest is closing in on its goal for fall site preparation at Wright-Locke Farm. This project of the WFMCHub is turning a bit of low-habitat value wetlands into high value mature forest. By super-charging the soil and

Young student helps with Thanksgiving baskets

Young student helps with Thanksgiving baskets

By Charlene Band Winchester resident Katherine Mucci, an elementary school student, has been busy helping to purchase food supplies for the Rotary Club of Winchester. Why does the Rotary Club need food supplies? It’s for the Thanksgiving Holiday Basket service project for the Council of Social Concern. Katherine is

Riverwalk guided tour Friday

Riverwalk guided tour Friday

Special to the News Nov. 14, 2023  Join Peter Pulsifer and Hilda Wong-Doo of the Winchester Cultural District for a guided tour through the Winchester Riverwalk exhibit on Friday, November 17. Peter and Hilda will talk about the inspiration for the exhibit and introduce Hoverlay, the augmented reality platform. The

Covid vaccine clinic Monday at the Jenks

Covid vaccine clinic Monday at the Jenks

Special to the News from Winchester Health Department Nov. 7, 2023  There will be a seasonal 2023-2024 COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic, for ages 5 yrs. and older. One (1) dose of this updated vaccine is all that is needed to protect from severe illness. Those with medical conditions may require additional

Talk to the town

Talk to the town

From the Town website The Town of Winchester wants to improve how it shares and exchanges information with people who live, work, or own a business in Winchester. As part of this effort, the Town is launching an online survey to understand how community members would like to receive communication

Science & Technology at The Jenks

By Ron Latanision Nov 4, 2023  Ever since local resident David Wilson asked me to be the first speaker of the Jenks Center’s newly formed Science & Technology discussion group, I’ve been completely engaged in the finding good speakers and eventually began hosting the discussions.  All members of

Authorfest a success

Special to the News from Caren Connolly Nov. 4, 2023 Write, revise, reflect and try again. That was the message that award winning authors brought to Winchester students during WFEE’s Authorfest on Oct. 26. Scores of volunteers welcomed 17 presenters to the town’s five elementary schools and the

Two events this weekend at the First Congregational

Two events this weekend at the First Congregational

An author reads from his new book, and SoulCollage®, a spiritual art project.  On Friday, Nov. 3, at 7:30 p.m. in-person and live-streamed.  A unique and moving event, featuring critically acclaimed author, Stephen P. Kiernan. After last year’s triumphant reading from “Universe of Two,” Kiernan returns to
